Sunday, December 11, 2011

Oath Keepers Retract Mormon Food Storage Post - Source Denies Story

TheEagleKeeper December 11, 2011 at 6:43 PM

This is just a bit of information to chew on. Oath Keepers is a reputable organization of active duty military and law enforcement, as well as military veterans and firefighters, who have stood up to say they will not deny their oath to the Constitution, and to the American people.

These folks are truly Liberty and Freedom’s Allies and stand for what this country was founded on.

With that said, there can be individuals in any group who are crackpots or even willfully make an organization look bad after joining it.. just to discredit and divert it from the mission.

If you own a handgun, and you had issues with the Brady Bill when it was first implemented by Reno and the Clinton administration, you will remember the law was challenged all the way up to the supreme court. The Sheriff who called the government to account and said they were encroaching on States rights by forcing them to invoke the Brady Law was Sheriff Richard Mack.

Sheriff Richard Mack is on the Board of Directors of the Oath Keepers.

It is not a crackpot organization, and it deserves respect as a strong member of the Liberty Movement and the movements to stop federal constitutional encroachments.

For Liberty

Klapton December 11, 2011 at 8:36 PM

The story has been retracted, and Oath Keepers will NOT be embarassed this way again.

“We have pulled this story about the Mormon cannery being visited by federal agents because the source of the information at the cannery is now denying that he ever told us that event occurred.

From now on, we will NOT post any such story based on what we are told by other people unless, and until, they are willing to go on video or at least on an audio recording with their info. That way, in case someone starts to crumble under the public attention or other pressures, and wants to deny what they told us, we have video or audio proof.

We get all kinds of scary intel, all the time, and we rarely pass it on because we don’t have confirming documentation. In this case, we were relying on a confirmed eye witness who is now denying it. We will not do that again without a recording.”

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